RF/Microwave Design
We have extensive expertise in designing complex RF systems and components from low frequencies up to and including mm-wave bands for Bluetooth (including BLE/Smart), Wi-Fi, ZigBee, DVB-T/H, GSM, GPS, and custom proprietary standards.
Receivers, Transmitters, Transceivers
- Custom direct conversion (zero-IF) and super-heterodyne with high speed ADC/DACs
- 2.4 GHz Bluetooth, 2.4GHz/5.8GHz 802.11 based products
- RF energy harvesting (RFID, battery-less sensors, wireless charging)
- Emissions (EMI) optimization, spurious planning and avoidance (EM simulation, on-board algorithms)
- Sideband and LO feed-through compensation
- TX/RX feedback minimization
- Antennas and phased arrays
- Filters (Distributed, Lumped, Ceramic-based), Diplexers
- Couplers
- Matching networks (for: PA, LNA, Antenna, Mixers)
- Combiners/splitters
Frequency Synthesizers and Generators (up to 60GHz)
- Sub-Hz step-size (DDS-based and Fractional PLL)
- Ultra-low phase noise (< 1 degree RMS jitter)
- Fast frequency switching (using DDS, high speed DACs, switched VCOs)
- Ultra-wideband (50MHz - 14GHz with integrated dividers, DDS based)
- Microphonics compensation (using active feedback, passive)